Foresters from the Forests of the Slovak Republic plan and evaluate long-term forest care in the intuitive online and offline geospatial information system ySpatial. They manage forest property and land in the "Pozemkar" system on the yAgenda platform.

Experts from the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute manage monitoring sites of surface and underground waters, including the publication of data through the "Blue portal", using the ySpatial map portal.

For experts from the Slovak National Accreditation Service, the AIS system on the yAgenda platform significantly simplifies, speeds up, and reliably manages processes of accreditation of products and services of entities in the Slovak Republic.

The technical information system PIMS, which processes complex technical data with a different focus for each profession, ensures the safety and reliability of pipelines and equipment for Nafta gas storage specialists.

The State Veterinary and Food Administration of the SR, with the help of the new KVEPIS system on the yAgenda and ySpatial platforms, digitally manages the activities of food and veterinary supervision, including its regional branches, veterinary surgeons, and laboratories.

The Road administration of the Trnava self-governing region manages the agenda of technical and construction administration and road maintenance in the winter and summer seasons with the help of the technical and map dispatching system on the yAgenda and ySpatial platforms.

The gas transporter Eustream ensures safety and reliability of the gas pipeline with PIMS technical and map information system, processing complex technical data differently for every profession. Eustream trades gas transport and storage capacities and offers client services with the automated business dispatch platform yCapacity.

The Slovak oil transporter Transpetrol uses a sophisticated Incident Management system integrated with a map portal and a high degree of automation for technical control of the pipeline along the whole of Slovakia in real-time, built on the yAgenda and ySpatial platforms.

With the help of the yAgenda platform, the Central Agricultural Inspection and Testing Office digitally manages the entire activity of the sections of agricultural inputs, control of plant production, and testing, including electronic services for clients, the public, and other state administration bodies.

Foresters from Military Forests and Estates comprehensively plan and evaluate long-term forest care in the intuitive online and offline geospatial information system ySpatial.

The Slovak Land Fund manages a legally and financially complex agenda of deposits and legal acts in a complex workflow and map system built on the yAgenda and ySpatial platforms.

State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr manages the entire map content of the Slovak geo library using a complex digital archive, a digitization line, and a geospatial information system built on the ySpatial and yAgenda platforms.