
May, 2024 – After the annual user conference for the Forests of the Slovak Republic (LSR), we also organized a two-day user meeting for gas workers from the Eustream company. This excellent model of user meetings is upheld by YMS regularly for every long-term customer.

During any user meeting, the YMS team and team of the client look intensively at the current state of all systems. Together they evaluate usage, the user satisfaction, and generate topics for development and feedback. All topics that do not get attention during ordinary working life, in the midst of fulfilling daily tasks and deadlines, are included and brought to the table.

Says Róbert Francek, Executive Director of YMS: “In the process of creating a system, it is neither possible nor appropriate to listen to the needs of all users. Management and experts on both sides decide. After launch, hundreds or thousands of new people start using it and we enter the next stage. We invite key users to come up with useful topics from daily use.”

The good practice of annual joint meetings has been appreciated by all YMS clients for many years.

Eustream and YMS

With the exception of the pandemic, Eustream and YMS have been meeting for more than 20 years. This year, more than 50 experts from the line and compressor parts of the Slovak gas pipeline gathered. They looked at the map portal (geographical information system – GIS) and related services, primarily technical schemes, routing, and anti-corrosion protection.

Branislav Reťkovský, head of the GIS department, says: “In the map portal, we record events on five sections of the gas pipeline with a total length of more than 2,300 kilometers. We use an orthophoto, transit, object, or cadastral map as a source of information. We monitor the overall condition of the gas pipeline and plan repairs and maintenance – procedurally, financially, and from the point of view of necessary shutdowns.”

The presenters reviewed the applications and drew attention to areas where development would increase work comfort. Current topics resonated and a discussion developed with many ideas.

Says Marek Ivaňák, operations director of YMS and project manager for Eustream: “There were many recommendations and practical, good ideas that are feasible and will speed up processes, save time and money, or simplify the agenda. After approval by the company’s management, they will gradually be put into practice.”

The special guest was the project manager from the Office of Geodesy, Cartography, and Cadastre of the Slovak Republic, Štefan Hudák. He demonstrated the use of the Portal of electronic services of the real estate cadastre and explained the map services of the Geoportal. From the point of view of the needs of gas operators who manage the gas pipeline along the whole of Slovakia.

Štefan Hudák says: “The second cycle of the Slovak orthophoto-mosaic has been completed and can be downloaded free of charge from the government cadastre cloud. The 2nd cycle of aerial laser scanning of the terrain of Slovakia is also underway and will end in 2026. For now, the digital relief model DMR 6.0 and DMP 2.0 of the first approx. 2,500 square km is available to experts.”

Thanks to the event, work teams from different corners of Slovakia can meet. In the early evening, they relaxed together with the IT Olympiad, a light sports competition, and in the evening they sang with an excellent band of gas professionals from western Slovakia. They also tasted Slovak wines, guided by Štefan Hudák, a certified sommelier.

Thank you all for your participation and we look forward to seeing you next year.


If you missed the article about the user meeting of foresters from LSR and YMS, read it here.

Together with the foresters, we went through the map portal and the Pozemkár application, looked into the background of their use, presented the results of the satisfaction survey and outlined upcoming improvements.